Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sculptra Injectable

What is Sculptra Aesthetic?

Sculptra is an injectable liquid used to add volume to areas of the face to create a soft, natural, more youthful recontouring of the face. It builds your own collagen while it gradually disappears. When done well, it doesn't have that "over stuffed" look that is all too common when too much Juvederm, Restylane or Radiesse are used in the cheeks. It is best for adding volume to: 

  • hollow cheeks
  • softening boney cheekbones
  • nasolabial and melolabial folds (nose to mouth/mouth to chin)
  • hollow chin area
  • defining the jawline
  • hollow temples
  • some body sites  

    What is Sculptra made of?
    Sculptra (generic name is "poly-L-lactic acid" or PLLA) is a synthetic of lactic acid.  Lactic acid is made in our muscles after exercise.  Polylactic acid is lactic acid molecules stuck together in strings (a polymer).  It is made in a laboratory and contains no animal products and no human DNA.  It very gradually disappears by the action of your own cell enzymes.
    Is Sculptra FDA approved?
    In 2009 Sculptra got its full FDA approval for cosmetic use in the United States. It has had partial FDA approval here for over five years. It has been used extensively in Europe for over ten years and is approved in Canada, Europe, and over 20 other countries.
    How is Sculptra different than Juvederm/Restylane (HAs)?
    Sculptra adds volume to the face and fills grooves and hollows. This can give some lift and help with wrinkles because many wrinkles are created by loss of volume (think of a deflating balloon). Juvederm and Restylane (HAs), in general, fill specific wrinkles and lines. In the past few years longer lasting HAs have been added like Juvederm Ultra Plus and Perlane. These can also be used for cheek contouring and a "lift" effect. The choice between the HA fillers and Sculptra often comes down to the amount of volume replacement desired, your age, and maintenance issues.

    Monday, October 29, 2012

    Modern Facial Implants Offer Beautiful Results

    Today, thanks to modern technology, there is a safe, permanent method to correct a weak chin and to provide those high cheekbones sought after by men and women worldwide.

    Beauty may only be skin deep. But, for centuries, well-defined facial features have been considered traits of physical beauty.  Prominent cheek bones and a strong chin provide balance and definition to the face.  Strong chins are associated with leadership, masculinity, and honesty which is the reason why some men say it gives them more confidence at job interviews and top level management. The same goes for high, prominent cheek bones which are associated with beauty, femininity, and supermodel sex appeal in women.  Thanks to modern technology, there is a safe, permanent method to correct a weak chin and provide those high cheekbones sought after worldwide.

    Facial implant procedures are often performed along with other procedures. It’s not uncommon for rhinoplasty to be combined with chin augmentation because a weak chin may make the nose appear larger and adding definition to the chin can help to correct this. The incisions made during facial implant surgery are typically small. For chin augmentation, the incision may be located on the inside of the mouth along the lower lip or on the skin just beneath the chin. For check augmentation, the incision may be located on the inside of the mouth on the upper lip or on the lower eyelid.

    Three-dimensional computer technology currently produces a new generation of more accurate anatomic facial implants that permit more effective, long-lasting and pleasing results in facial augmentation. A major step in the evolution of facial aesthetic surgery, which merges plastic surgical techniques with custom implant designs to improve the relative balance of facial features. Facial implants not only aesthetically improve bone structure, but can also be used to help reverse the signs of aging. Contemporary facial implants are contoured to imitate the natural bone structure and youthful form of the overlying soft tissues.

    Chin implant surgery increased more than breast augmentation, Botox and liposuction combined last year with both men and women opting for the procedure in nearly equal numbers, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Thanks to modern facial implants, tens of thousands of Americans are achieving the shapely chins and cheeks that bring balance and contour to their face.

    Dr. Russell Sassani is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. He is university trained in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and has additional specialized fellowship training.

    After graduating with Highest Honors from Rutgers University, he obtained his medical degree from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, where he was elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society.

    His residency training in General Surgery and Plastic Surgery was at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. He then went on to complete post-residency fellowships. These included a Hand Surgery Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, a Craniomaxillofacial Surgery Fellowship at the University of Miami, and a Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship with the renowned Drs. Baker, Gordon and Stuzin in Miami.

    Dr. Sassani's particular areas of interest and expertise are cosmetic surgery of the face, plastic surgery of the breast (enlargement, reduction and reconstruction) body contour surgery (liposuction and tummy tucks) and laser skin resurfacing. His reconstructive interests and expertise include reconstruction after facial trauma, reconstruction after cancer surgery, burn reconstruction, and hand surgery.

    For more information on Dr. Sassani visit the Take Shape Plastic Surgery website. 

    Tuesday, October 23, 2012

    How Many Women Get Breast Implants Each Year?

    If you're a woman looking into getting a breast augmentation, one of your reservations about the procedure may be the idea that relatively few women go for it these days. An admirably cautious notion that happens to be far from the truth.  

    Have you ever wondered exactly how many women get breast implants each year in the United States? After all, it seems like a lot of Hollywood celebrities have perfect breasts and the woman in your yoga class is just too flawlessly shapely to be natural, right? Well, the answer is a lot more women than people think are undergoing breast augmentation each year.

    Breast augmentation was the #1 procedure in the country in 2011 with 307,000 women getting implants. This is a 4 percent increase from the previous year and a 45 percent increase from 2000.  These statistics show that breast augmentation is one of the fastest growing procedures in the industry because women want to feel confident about their bodies and their breasts. You have the right to feel beautiful, and if that means enhancing your breasts so you can feel comfortable in a top or bathing suit, that's okay.

    The dramatic increase in breast implant surgery does not necessarily reflect a similarly dramatic increase in the number of women with breast implants, however. Many women who undergo surgery are replacing old implants that have broken or caused problems; some women report as many as ten or more surgeries as their implants are replaced over the years.

    The important thing to remember is that breast enhancement is for yourself. It's not about what a man thinks or even what your friend thinks, it's about doing what can help you feel beautiful. More and more women are realizing this and that's why thousands of breast augmentations are performed in the United States each year.

    There's no reason to feel insecure about your body now, or even your decision to get implants. It's time to focus on what will make you a more comfortable and empowered woman. If that's getting a breast augmentation, schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon today. You have the right to look and feel your absolute best!

    Tuesday, October 16, 2012

    Breast Augmentation: Q&A

    What is the ideal breast size?

    Picking the right size of the breast implant is absolutely one of the most important decisions in the breast augmentation and implant process. This being the case, good surgeons will discuss several approaches to help the patient make the best decision based on the following:

    • anatomy
    • personal preferences
    • aesthetic appearance patient wishes to achieve 

    Some surgeons may even request that the patient wears a bra with the augment inside to see the possible appearance.

    In general, attractive breast augmentation should be in proportion to the woman’s overall body shape. An implant too large for a small frame is usually an obvious give away that a patient has undergone a breast augmentation procedure. Women wanting to go from a small A cup to a full D cup also need to understand the stretch limitations of breast skin.

    What are the exercise restrictions in the post-operative period?

    In the post-operative period, it is necessary to avoid any types of exercise which requires vigorous raising of the arms above the level of the head for at least 10 days after surgery. The majority of patients find it possible to return to work and drive in about 7 days. However, if their occupation requires particularly strenuous movements and lifting then they should not return to work for around 2-3 weeks.

    Power walking can commence within 7 days, light jogging within about 3 weeks. Full gym and pilates regimes may start after 4-6 weeks. Most people may begin upper body weights after 6-9 weeks, with contact sports, martial arts, boxing, and football (soccer) allow 12 weeks. Make sure you consult with your surgeon about your own individual needs before and after the surgery.

    Is breast feeding possible after breast augmentation?

    Breast feeding is certainly possible after a breast augmentation procedure. The majority of implants are placed behind the muscle and the implant is not inserted through the nipple-areolar complex. Preformed this way the procedure in no way effects the milk ducts.

    If you are hoping to continue prolonged breast feeding, however, you need to be aware that this can create the possibility of stretch marks on the breasts and certainly accelerate breast droopiness.

    Should you become pregnant following your breast augmentation procedure, then your existing breast tissue will be subjected to the normal hormonal influences of a natural gestation period.

    During this time it is perfectly natural for your breasts to enlarge and the skin to stretch accordingly.
    Once a pregnancy and breast feeding ceases, your breast tissue will naturally shrink down. It is impossible to predict to what degree these natural changes will occur, however the breast implant volume will remain the same throughout this time.

    What is capsular hardening and how is it treated?

    This is the most serious complication of a breast augmentation procedure. The latest implants are covered in material which has greatly reduced the incidence of capsular contraction formation. A “capsule” or capsule formation is a layer of scar tissue that normally forms around any artificial material placed in the body. It is important to realize that this is the natural response of the body to foreign material.

    In the majority of cases, this capsule is so soft that it is virtually undetectable, not affecting the breast implant in any way. Capsular hardening occurs when this layer of scar tissue shrinks around the breast implant, squeezing it so that it starts to feel firm, or in some cases, quite hard. If this is going to occur ,it is mainly in the first three years after implantation. It is not a health concern and implants are only removed if the shape has become distorted or the patient is experiencing pain.

    Contact Take Shape today for questions, planning and preparing for your breast augmentation surgery.

    Monday, September 10, 2012

    Give your Bust a Boost

    Chest exercising isn't just for men. Developing your chest muscles and working your "pecs" (aka pectoral muscles) is smart and beneficial for women.

    A treasure chest of benefits 

    It's important to strengthen your chest for a number of reasons. For starters, it helps keep your upper-body muscles in balance, which improves your posture. These two things decrease stress and tension on your muscles and bones. That makes you less injury-prone.

    A strong chest helps you do the things you need to do every day, because those pec muscles add power to your shoulders and arms. It takes more than biceps to push up a heavy garage door, heft a heavy grocery bag or mow your lawn. You need the kind of upper-body strength that comes from powerful chest muscles.

    If you're looking to add a little bulk to your bosom, it helps to build up those pec muscles, says NASM Elite Trainer Ann Scritsmier.

    How to pump it up 

    Two exercises are traditional ones: the dumbbell bench press (do it on the floor if you don't have a bench) and the good old push-up.

    How to preform the dumbbell bench press:
    Lie on your back on a flat bench with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Point your feet straight and make sure they are shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at chest level and place them slightly outside your body with your elbows flexed. Press both dumbbells up and together, fully extending your arms and hold this position. Return the dumbbells to the starting position and repeat.

    How to do do push-ups:
    Begin in push-up position with your feet together and toes on the floor and your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Draw-in your navel and contract your glutes. With your back flat, slowly lower your body toward the floor, lowering and contracting your shoulder blades. Push back up to starting position being careful not to jut your head forward.

    Monday, September 3, 2012

    Botox May Make You Happier

    Two and a half million people each year now have Botox. That’s the wonder drug that makes your wrinkles go away. And that makes people happy, right? You bet it does. It turns out that people who use Botox can’t frown and people who can’t frown are happier than people who can! The simple act of frowning can turn your mood gloomy. When the frown muscles are paralyzed, it is harder for people to maintain a negative affect.

    We all know that when we tell a sad person a joke or even tickle them, we can often break them out of their sullen mood. And that may be at least partially because the forehead muscles break their gloomy hold over your appearance and your brain. The mind/body connection is intimately connected and recent Botox studies underscore this!

    Dial up the Botox and you may just be able to dial down the Prozac.

    Sunday, August 26, 2012

    Breast Self-Awareness Card

    Breast cancer can be beaten – especially if you find it early and know what to look for. Use this breast self-awareness card from Susan G. Komen for the Cure to help you know what’s normal for you and what’s not.

    Do you know what to look for in your breasts during a self-exam? Use this card as your guide:

    Tuesday, August 14, 2012

    3 Health Tests Every Man Needs

    It can be easy to get overwhelmed by health concerns – especially for men who hate going to the doctor. Break down of the three health tests that every man needs.

    Help fight three of the most deadly diseases that affect men by getting these simple, lifesaving tests.

    1. Blood Pressure Reading

    High blood pressure is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death among men in the US. Ideally, blood pressure should be under 115/75. For every increase of 20 points in the top number or 10 points in that bottom number, you’re twice as likely to have a heart attack or stroke.

    New science indicates that checking both arms gives a more accurate blood pressure reading. Men whose top number varies by 15 points between both arms are at a greater risk for vascular disease than those who have similar readings from each arm.

    Diets high in salt are linked to higher blood pressure. To keep your blood pressure under control, eliminate hidden salt traps from your diet. Excess sodium can often come from surprising sources – the CDC’s newest findings reveal bread as the #1 source of salt in our diets! In addition to bread, be mindful of these seven words on food labels that reveal hidden sources of salt:
     Soy sauce
     Msg (monosodium glutamate)
     Baking soda

    You should never consume more than 2300 mg of salt a day. Dr. Oz recommends staying under 1500 mg, especially if you’re older than 50.

    2. Prostate Exam
    After lung cancer, prostate cancer is the deadliest cancer in men. Men over the age of 50 should have a prostate exam each year, but you should start sooner if you have a family history.

    During the exam, a health-care provider inserts a finger into the rectum about 1-2 inches to feel for the prostate. It should feel smooth and symmetrical if it’s healthy. A prostate that feels irregular could indicate an issue that requires further testing.

    3. Blood Glucose Test

    While death rates for cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer have been declining, deaths from Alzheimer’s disease are on the rise. Diets high in sugar have been linked to an increased diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Your blood delivers all kinds of rich nutrients to the brain. But if you have a lot of sugar in your blood, it can cause inflammation. This allows plaque to collect on your neurons, which are where you store your memories. The plaque makes it harder for neurons to fire off signals and causes them to freeze up. Eventually, they are prevented from talking to each other; the information those neurons carry can’t be transmitted or retrieved. When these synapses begin to fail, we begin to see the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

    A fasting blood sugar greater than 100 puts you at a greater risk for Alzheimer’s disease.
    (Special thanks to Dr. Oz for this information)

    Music, Healing and Longevity

     Music has a long history of therapeutic use  – from its traditional role in healing rituals around the world to its recent use as an integrative Alzheimer’s disease treatment. Here’s how music to your ears can add on years.

    Get Some Music Therapy

    For thousands of years, music has been used in medicine. Ancient Greek philosophers believed that music had a healing effect on the body and soul. Singing and chanting have been a part of Native American healing ceremonies for millennia. In the Ottoman Empire, mental illnesses were often treated with music. A more formal approach to music therapy began after World War II when researchers observed that music had a positive effect on emotionally disturbed veterans.

    To date, there is evidence that music therapy can reduce high blood pressure, depression and sleeplessness. In Alzheimer’s patients, music therapy was shown to significantly reduce anxiety and aggression. While there are no claims that music therapy can directly cure diseases like cancer, medical professionals believe that music can reduce certain symptoms, help with healing, improve physical movement, and enrich a patient's overall quality of life.

    Live Longer With Soothing Tunes

    In the past few decades, researchers have found that slow, soothing music is generally beneficial to one’s health, whereas fast, jarring music is not. Listening to calming music enhances cognitive functions such as memory, concentration and reasoning skills; even better, it boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure, relaxes muscle tension, regulates stress hormones, elevates mood and increases endurance. Classical music and meditation music were found to deliver the most health benefits. On the other hand, irritating sounds can cause stress and therefore negatively impact your health. The composers that have been suggested to most effectively improve your quality of life are Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi and Scarlatti.

    Play Songs to Boost Your Brain

    When you learn new things, you give your brain a workout, so why not learn a new instrument? Studies have found that students who take music lessons have increased IQ levels, and even show improvement in their nonmusical abilities. And when you play a wind instrument, such as the saxophone, flute, trumpet, trombone, clarinet or even a pennywhistle, you get the added benefit of improved lung capacity.

    Remember that music is for people of all ages. There is increasing evidence that regular mental and physical exercise maximize overall health and functioning in older adults; for aging individuals who are prevented by disability from participating in active physical exercise, music bridges the gap, providing the significant benefits of both mental and physical stimulation. Whether they enjoy the social experience of singing in a choir or reflect on a musical recording, older adults can use music as an effective healing art.

    Get Balanced With Calming Sounds

    If your home or office is consistently overrun by disturbing sounds like traffic and construction, consider counteracting the noise with a subtle sound source. Try an indoor fountain with bubbling water to soothe your nerves. Wind chimes made from natural materials like bamboo or seashells also provide peace. For some, the sound of a grandfather clock brings serenity. Find the most calming sound to you and make it the background to your day. (Special thanks to Mao Shing Ni, L.Ac., D.O.M., PhD for this information.)

    Healthy Replacements for Those Junk-Food Cravings

    It can be tough to break free from the pull of a craving, especially when it’s for junk food. These three bite-sized recipes are healthy makeovers of your most notorious cravings: pizza, salty snacks, and chocolate. The next time you’re craving something savory, salty or sweet – try one of these great healthy options!

    1. Portobello Pie – Instead of Pizza

    1 large portobello mushroom
    1 tbsp low-sugar pasta sauce
    1/2 cup low-fat shredded cheese
    Vegetable toppings of your choice

    Preheat oven to 375°F degrees. In place of crust, use a Portobello mushroom that has been cleaned and the stem removed. Place the mushroom on a baking sheet and bake for 5 minutes to dry it out. Remove the mushroom from the oven and add 1 tbsp of low-sugar pasta sauce. Then drizzle 1/2 cup low-fat shredded mozzarella cheese and your favorite vegetable toppings. Bake for an additional 20 minutes or until cheese is melted. Enjoy!

    2. Popped Chickpeas – Instead of Salty Snacks

    1 tbsp olive oil
    1 can of chickpeas, drained
    Your favorite spices to taste

    Sauté the chickpeas in the olive oil until they pop. Sprinkle with your favorite spices to taste. Enjoy!

    3. Carob Chips – Instead of Chocolate

    1/3 cup coconut oil
    1/2 cup carob powder
    1 to 1 1/2 tbsp sugar substitute
    1 tsp vanilla extract

    Melt coconut oil over low heat. Remove from heat and stir in carob powder, sugar substitute and vanilla. Drop the dough in tbsp sized drops on a parchment lined baking sheet. Refrigerate until solid, enjoy!