What is Sculptra Aesthetic?
Sculptra is an injectable liquid used to add volume to areas of the face to create a soft, natural, more youthful recontouring of the face. It builds your own collagen while it gradually disappears. When done well, it doesn't have that "over stuffed" look that is all too common when too much Juvederm, Restylane or Radiesse are used in the cheeks. It is best for adding volume to:
- hollow cheeks
- softening boney cheekbones
- nasolabial and melolabial folds (nose to mouth/mouth to chin)
- hollow chin area
- defining the jawline
- hollow temples
- some body sites
Sculptra (generic name is "poly-L-lactic acid" or PLLA) is a synthetic of lactic acid. Lactic acid is made in our muscles after exercise. Polylactic acid is lactic acid molecules stuck together in strings (a polymer). It is made in a laboratory and contains no animal products and no human DNA. It very gradually disappears by the action of your own cell enzymes.
Is Sculptra FDA approved?
In 2009 Sculptra got its full FDA approval for cosmetic use in the United States. It has had partial FDA approval here for over five years. It has been used extensively in Europe for over ten years and is approved in Canada, Europe, and over 20 other countries.
How is Sculptra different than Juvederm/Restylane (HAs)?
Sculptra adds volume to the face and fills grooves and hollows. This can give some lift and help with wrinkles because many wrinkles are created by loss of volume (think of a deflating balloon). Juvederm and Restylane (HAs), in general, fill specific wrinkles and lines. In the past few years longer lasting HAs have been added like Juvederm Ultra Plus and Perlane. These can also be used for cheek contouring and a "lift" effect. The choice between the HA fillers and Sculptra often comes down to the amount of volume replacement desired, your age, and maintenance issues.